This blog is about the young life of Ian as told by his mother.

Friday, August 17, 2007

Children's Museum

Today we went to the Children's Museum. It was a pretty cool place. Unfortunately it was a little overwhelming for Ian, and he had a lot of temper tantrums. He did enjoy the things that he was calm enough to do. I wish that he could have done more, because there were so many things there that I think he would have enjoyed. The things that he did like was the "air ball", the lizards, the fish, and the baby room. They had lots of puzzles there (right up Ian's alley) and a huge Lite Brite board (but he was screaming at that point, so we didn't get to see too much of it). I'd go back, even though it was a bit expensive. Hopefully Ian would enjoy it more the second time around.
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