This blog is about the young life of Ian as told by his mother.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008


I can't say enough about hippotherapy. In case you missed it, Ian is doing hippotherapy once a week. Hippotherapy is essentially riding a horse, although I'm sure that his therapist would disagree with my simple assessment. They work on all sorts of skills during the session, but basically Ian rides, once a week for 45 minutes. The kid is a freaking natural. It's so hard to describe, and he loves it. His face lights up when he's riding; he's like the poster child for hippotherapy. We've seen progress in all areas, but particularly fine and gross motor skills.

Ian's horse is named Miss Shawna. His therapist is Miss Robby and there are two helpers, Miss Shawn and Miss Carrie. He just got an official riding helmet last week.

I will bring the camera to take more picture next week, especially since we are going outside now that it's not so hot and I should be able to get some great shots in the outdoor light.

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